Cambridge City Games Club

Welcome to the website of the Cambridge City Games Club. We hope this site will be of interest not just to our members and potential members but also to anyone interested in gaming. While this site is centred around our club's activities we hope it will also be of interest to the wider gaming community in the Cambridge area and beyond.

We are a genuinely friendly and welcoming club that brings together people interested in a wide range of games including, but not limited by:

So whether your an experienced and serious historical wargamer, a fan of sci-fi and fantasy games or just want to play a game of The Settlers of Catan in a friendly and social environment we are the place to be.

Update 11/03/2013

The main site is now up and running on a new offsite server. If you can see this message the the DNS changes have propergated to you and you are accessing the new server. Everyone should see this version within aprox 24 hours.

The forum, will be converted to a static archive and then moved as well. The forum is closing due to lack of use and not as a result of lack of willingness to continue it!

Request for help

A mysterious man, referring to himself only as "The Doctor", has approached the site requesting our help locating the missing planet of Gallifrey. To find out how you can help with this important project please visit: Gallifrey Falls No More!

Cambridge City Games Club Logo


Today's Quote

"The object of war is not to die for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his."

General George S. Patton


This site is © 2003-2007 Cambridge City Games Club and/or it's contributors.